Celebrating one's birthday month seems to be a thing nowadays. That said, today is the first day of my birthday month. I've never been one for celebrating birthdays, and this year is no different. However, the thought of turning 64 years old did make me think, WOW! Yeah, I admit I stammered a little on that number too. How come I don't feel that old, mentally anyway. It seems like only yesterday I turned 21, so you will have to forgive me for being a bit bumfuzzled as to how this transition happened? They say that time waits for no one, but seriously, these years flew by so fast I missed my mid-life crises!
Most women wouldn’t admit their age, let alone put it in writing; but hey, it is what is! Is aging pleasant? No, it is not. Bones creak, eyesight worsens, hearing is questionable, and fatigue is a state of being. Looking in the mirror requires a couple of glasses of wine to view the sags and bags and lines…oh my! It takes me so long to get ready to leave the house that I’m still not quite sure if general everyday maintenance really takes that much longer or I just move that much slower.
Honestly, it isn't the number of years that pain me so much, but rather the reality check. Thinking back on unfulfilled dreams, plans and goals is depressing. Having to accept the fact that my vision was never realized and probably would not materialize is discouraging. Sure, I learned a few things over the years but apparently failed big time to apply the knowledge. I know I am not alone. I believe most people, given the opportunity, would opt for a do over, at least in some areas.
Geez, the only thing more disheartening about my upcoming birthday was reading my thoughts about it. I knew I had to snap out of this! The truth of the matter is this kind of thinking isn’t productive., do-over's do not exist and pining away for a life that didn’t happen serves no purpose. So now what? What to do, what to do? I have two choices, I can either jump feet first into a world full of unexplored experiences or continue traveling down this well-worn path of complacency and feeling sorry for myself. For those of you who know me, you know I am just not a sit in a rocking chair kind of gal, so I am making the choice to throw caution to the wind and grasp everything life has to offer. I can only go around this world one time and there is no time for could’ve, should’ve, would’ve.
These days I have a bolder attitude. (I know, hard to believe), and I am a tad more outspoken, who knew that was possible, right? I find myself doing and saying things that my 20, 30 and even 40-year-old self would not have said or done. It's time to stop worrying about what other’s think and focus on finding humor where I can. I love to laugh...loudly, and I love to make people laugh too. I do not have qualms about telling it like it is, although there are times when I probably should refrain. These days I have little patience for rude people, or folks pretending that they are "all that and a bag of chips". Life can change in a blink of an eye, so why spend it arguing for the sheer sake of arguing? Not me, I do not have time for that. I am choosing to forego fear of the future and embrace each day as it comes. Aging is simply a part of life. I can either embrace it or mourn it, but I still have to live it. I'm taking a fresh look at the world around me. I plan to dance (hobble) in the rain and chase (although chase might be a strong word) after rainbows.
Where will this season take me? Who knows? I’m taking every adventure with enthusiasm, a touch of carefree whim, and of course, a bit of sarcasm; after-all it is my nature. In a couple of weeks, my annual aging ritual will arrive like any other day, without fanfare or excitement, just the busyness of what has become my existence. However, one thing is certain, this year, I am just getting started, so watch out! You can either join the party or get out of the way, because this Mama is on the move!

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Right there with you Sister. Rejoice in the blessings!!