

Writing, for me, is akin to breathing. Writing is simply part of who I am. Whether fiction or non-fiction, each genre (humor, mystery, romance, grant writing or business management) has its’ own rules, nuance, and style. Through writing, I can do anything, be anyone, and achieve the impossible. 


Throughout this fascinating journey called life, I have found that truth and reflection provide the best comedic platform for laugh-out-loud humor. Circumstances are rarely funny in the present, but often hysterical when paraphrased in the future. Life is merely a short-lived exercise of survival, humility, and learning to live beyond the happenstance of instances. 


Whether I tag myself as a Humorist, Speaker, Writer, Storyteller, Wife, Mom, Employee or just an all-around clown, suffice it to say that my life's journey has written the script. Over the years, I've learned that life experiences are often very funny (Mostly in hindsight, but nevertheless, funny.) So let your hair down, forget the outside world, even if it's just for a moment, and laugh a little. To understand the present, the past must be remembered. My stories are revealed in a John-Boy-style soliloquy. Even upon saying this, I envision search engine results for “John Boy” to skyrocket.  

Growing up, I was a just a plain Jane masquerading in a Barbie doll mindset. I escaped reality through writing. Day after day, year after year, I would sit in my room for hours writing short stories, poems, and songs. As a teenager, I dreamed of being a successful writer. I thought achieving writing success would mean financial security, a magnitude of wealth, owning a California beach house, and sipping on mixed drinks with paper umbrellas. While monetary rewards are great, I have come to realize they are not the driving force behind the art.

Writing for me is personal, something intertwined deep within my soul. Creative outlets such as writing and speaking lend themselves to high expectations and low disappointments. I freely admit there were moments where I wanted to throw in the proverbial towel and give up, but there was just something about an empty stage with a lone microphone, or a lonely, blinking cursor on a blank page that seemed to call my name. Like an addict compelled by a vice, I caved. No matter what I did, I could not seem to quench my creative appetite. For years, I believed I needed to pick one genre and stick with it. That's how it's done, right? Maybe, but that just wasn't me. I have many interests and write about all of them. Suffice it to say, I've never been much of a conformist, so I see little reason to start now.  

​I’m no different than anyone else. I had hopes, dreams, and plans for my life. I have no doubt that somewhere along the way, my guardian angel got lost. I am convinced this navigational error was instrumental in derailing my destiny to live a debutant lifestyle. However, it is important to note that the key word here is derail, not destroy. Throughout this fascinating journey called life, I have found that truth and reflection provide the best comedic platform for laugh-out-loud humor. Circumstances are rarely funny in the present, but often hysterical when paraphrased in the future. Life is merely a short-lived exercise of survival, humility, and learning to live beyond the happenstance of instances.

Life's highway is short, tough and difficult to navigate at times. The hurdles are many, and all too often, we think we must jump over all of them! We can't! The time has come to stop focusing on the hurdles of life and embrace the possibilities that lie beyond them. While I admit the combination of age, experience and plain exhaustion has somewhat helped to tame the rebel within, make no mistake about it, my learning curve is far from complete.



Public speaking is really just something that happened. Let's just say that public speaking/comedy wasn't on the list of "what I wanted to be". In fact, my first stage appearance was a total debacle. Ironically, I felt at home on that stage. I can't explain it, but there is something about the adrenalin rush that comes from public speaking and comedy. My warped sense of humor, combined with my love of audience interaction, is just fun. Laughter is healthy. I love to laugh and if others laugh with me (not at me); well, that's what I call a win-win. Just like writing, my speaking style isn't locked into one category. Whether serving as lecturer on grant writing, business leadership or team motivation, to performing comedic entertainment for a fundraiser, or special event; I'm in my element. 



Like I said, I am a mixed bag of interests. As a Certified Grant Consultant, I typically work with small 501(c)3 nonprofit organizations to help ensure the organization meets the necessary criteria for grant funding eligibility, provide funding resource direction and help equip staff and/or volunteers with grant writing skills and knowledge. 


How did I make that leap? Like most newbies who enter the grant writing arena, I jumped in feet first and attempted to apply for a few grant opportunities for a few causes I cared deeply about. I was confident the funds would be received and devastated when rejected. Eventually, I discovered the key to grant writing was perseverance. I read everything I could about grant funding and grant writing, enrolled in classes, attended grant writing workshops, and went back to school to obtain my Grant Consultant Certification. The more I became involved with helping raise funds for a few nonprofits, the more involved I wanted to be. Serving as a grant writer for many years, I recognized my reach was limited.  As a consultant, I have the ability to help more organizations increase their likelihood of receiving grant funding. As part of the process, I always stress the importance of having a balanced stream of revenue including fundraising, individual donations, sponsorships, partnerships, and of course, grant funding. Living from grant to grant is not sustainable! 


So, what is the role of a Grant Consultant versus a Grant Writer?

Grant consultants help organizations identify grant opportunities, provide grant research and writing training for staff and volunteers, and develop strategic plans for sustainability and growth. Grant writers are responsible for writing persuasive proposals, ensuring the application process is complete and the application is submitted by the deadline. 


I am pleased to announce the release of my newest book, GRANT WRITING BOOTCAMP-BACK TO THE BASICS available at Amazon.com.