Nonprofit/Funding Consultant (CGC)
- As a Certified Grant Consultant, I choose to work with small 501(c)3 nonprofit organizations to help ensure an overall funding strategy.
- Verify and/or help organizations meet necessary criteria for grant funding eligibility
- Provide funding resource direction about incorporating a variety of funding resources including grant funding, fundraisers, direct mail, social media, blogging and more.
- Train staff and/or volunteers with grant writing skills and knowledge
- Grant Writing and Funding Workshops
More than 15 years ago, I made the leap. Like most newbies who enter the grant writing arena, I jumped in feet first and attempted to apply for a few grant opportunities. I was confident the funds would be received and devastated when rejected. Eventually, I discovered the key to grant writing was perseverance. I read everything I could about grant funding, enrolled in classes, attended grant writing workshops, and went back to school to obtain my Grant Consultant Certification. The more I became involved with helping raise funds for a few nonprofits, the more involved I wanted to be. Serving as a grant writer for many years, I recognized my reach was limited. As a consultant, I have the ability to help more organizations increase the likelihood of receiving grant funding. As part of the process, I always stress the importance of having a balanced stream of revenue including fundraising, individual donations, sponsorships, partnerships, direct mail, awareness campaigns, and of course grant funding.
Living from grant to grant is not sustainable!
Is your nonprofit organization grant ready? Not sure? Let's talk.
For more information, complete form below
- Marriage
- Employment
- Back in my Day
- You Make the Difference
- Generation Divide
- Nonprofit/Grant Funding/Fundraising
- Importance of Networking
- Motivation
- Leadership/Management
- Writing - Books, Blogs, Blurbs and Social Media
For more information about scheduling a speaking engagement, please complete the form below.