In our quest for adventure, Hubs and I decided to take a drive to the river. As we turned onto Riverside, childhood memories of Sunday drives to Dress Plaza made me smile. Although I had driven this road dozens of times, I never really thought much about it. As we drove past the plaza entrance, we could see adult swings in the distance. We knew that was our destination. Pulling into the parking lot, I heard laughter from kids playing at Mickey's Kingdom and watched teenagers attempting, what appeared to me, as death defying tricks at Sunset Skatepark. This place was no secret, I was just late to the game.

We walked up the ramp toward the swings. We grabbed a swing. As the swing moved back and forth, the breeze blowing felt great. The setting sun cast a light on the rippling water that made it appear crystal blue (quite a feat for a river). We just sat in the swing, mesmerized by the ambiance as we watched people take in the view. Young, old, couples, and families alike, all enjoying the scenery.

How many times had I passed up this opportunity to just be still, listen and bask in the majestic beauty of nature. I didn't have to change clothes, put on make-up or take out money. We enjoyed the sights and sounds of life, not glued to the TV. Yes, it sounds simple, but this is just one of the many Adventures on a Budget we plan to take going forward.

Know of a hidden gem in the area? Please contact me. We would love to check it out and post for others to learn about it.
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