Weekday Dining Out - An Adventure on a Budget?

Published on 9 June 2024 at 08:14

Last Tuesday I arrived home from work stressed, tired and completely tapped out. The last thing I wanted to do was fix dinner. Typically, Hubs and I go out for dinner on the weekends, but Tuesday was different. I wanted; no let me rephrase that, I NEEDED a quiet place to just sit and relax. Kicking our budget restrictions to the curb, Hubs and I opted to dine out at our favorite pizza joint. This restaurant is not a "hidden" gem; in fact, with two locations in Evansville and one in Newburgh, this hot spot is known for great pizza and their signature in-house brewery. Yet, believe it or not, we managed to turn this impromptu escape into an Adventure on a Budget.     

As stated earlier, I was not in the mood for a crowd, but we took our chances anyway. Pulling into the parking lot, we managed to nab a front row spot! Yes, I could feel the good vibes already. The moment we walked through the door, ambience guided us through the bar area to a nearby booth. Taking our seat, Judy (our waitress) welcomed us with a friendly smile and took our order. Amazed by her energy, I watched her as she dashed from one table to the next. 

Although we had been here numerous times, we never thought that much about the ambiance. This time, instead of hubs and I engaging in mundane conversation, we just sat still, staring in silence at the decor. Local memorabilia hanging on the wall, 70's vintage lighting, and the coziness of solitude in the midst of chaos that existed just outside the door. Everything about the scenery seemed to catapult me back to a different, less hectic time. Honestly, I could almost swear I felt my blood pressure lower.    

Back to the question at hand. How can a weekday jaunt like this be budget advantageous? It's simple, order a large pizza pie and ask for a to go box. Immediately place half of the pizza in the box upon arrival (if you don't, you won't) and re-heat the next day. Another option is to replace a weekday dining out experience for a weekend one.  

Granted, most would not find a weekday trip to a pizza place an adventure, but I did. Why? Because these days I am fascinated by the so-called ordinary, look a little deeper into perceived routines, and search for the remarkable in presumed humdrum experiences. On Tuesday, I discovered so much more than great pizza, I discovered an unintended Adventure on a Budget at Turoni's!  

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9 months ago

For added fun at Turonis grab a free page to color along with the crayons. Each person at the table color one thing on the picture and pass around the table until done. Coloring is a destresser and it also brings out conversations about the pictures or designs or colors used. And it’s Free!