Personally, I do not like the word "Blog". That said, blogging is an important part of every business/nonprofit awareness strategy. Blogging allows a business owner the opportunity to showcase their industry expertise. (Expertise should always be implied, never stated outright in the content.)
The end goal of a business blog is to engage, intrigue and encourage readers to become followers of your blog, website or social media pages, not sell your product or service. Business blogging should educate, empower and equip the reader with valuable tips, advice or information. Blog content should flow seamlessly, offer solutions to problems and/or provide actions the reader can take to improve their current condition.
How to begin?
- A blog post should be short and informative.
- A blog post should offer a solution.
- Offer tips.
- Add information about your business at the bottom of the post.
How can a business blog help?
- Expertise is valued, and business blogging can help define YOU as the expert in your field.
- Recognition as an expert can set you apart from the competition.
- A business blog can contain carefully placed links to websites and social media pages. (Embedded links must be subtle, used sparingly, and flow within the content to avoid the appearance of a sales pitch.)
Avoid business blog mistakes:
- Business is business, personal is personal. This is particularly true with blogging.
- Rambling and/or off topic rants can result in a race to the big red X at the top right corner.
- Sharing blogs written by SOMEONE ELSE highlights their expertise, not yours!
- Failing to understand the value of business blogging.
When should you begin your business blogging adventure?
There's no time like the present.
Tammie Tuley is an independent writer, Certified Grant Consultant, and business motivation speaker.
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