Grant Funding - Are you Ready!

Published on 3 July 2024 at 07:33

The idea of grant writing can often trigger memories of sleepless nights, blurred vision, and overwhelming anxiety. Applying for grant funding requires research, attention to detail, accuracy, and deadline adherence. However, beyond popular belief, grant writing is NOT complicated. With a little organization, persistence, and discipline, tackling grant writing may not seem as daunting.


According to the IRS, more than 115,000 applications for tax exempt status are received each year. Although all applications are not approved, any addition to the estimated 1.5 million existing 501(c)3 organizations signal serious funding request competition. Therefore, it is imperative to ensure your nonprofit organization is Grant Ready! 


Below are a few tips to help discern if your nonprofit organization is Grant Ready?


  • Does the organization meet grant funding eligibility requirements? 


  • Does the organization have required documentation copies readily available for attachment to an online application?


  • Does the organization have both an organization budget and program budget completed?


  • Does the organization Board of Directors meet regularly?


  • Does the organization have the staff and/or volunteers necessary to implement and fulfill the requirements of the proposed project or program?


Time is of the essence when grant funding deadlines are ticking. 


To schedule a consultation, click HERE 


Tammie Tuley is an independent writer, Certified Grant Consultant, motivation speaker, and author of Grant Writing Bootcamp...Back to the Basics and Get Yourself Settled Lil' Girl.

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