Non-profit organizations should have an overall, comprehensive funding resource strategy that incorporates grant funding, fundraising, individual donors, major gifts, in-kind donations and more.
Relying solely on grant funding can be detrimental to an organization's long-term success. On the flip side, many small nonprofits fail to take advantage of grant funding opportunities due to fear of the unknown, or the perception that it is just too hard.
Grant writing is time consuming, but it is not difficult. Grant writing is merely an exercise in preparedness and perseverance.
Below are a few questions typically asked on a grant application. Once complete, you're ready to learn more about grant writing.
EIN (501(c)3/Date Effective
Mission Statement
Organization Information
Organization Contact Info
Date of Incorporation
Organization Contact Info
Organization Home State/County
Board of Directors Listing
Executive Director/Contact Info
Fiscal Year End Date
Project Start/End Date
# of Years for Project
# of Projects offered per Year
Grant Request Amount
Participants Anticipated
Geographic Area Served
Project Description- Narrative
Target Audience
How Funding will be Used
Budgets (Project and Operating)
Total Cost of Project
Financials-P&L, 990, Audit
Tammie Tuley is an independent writer, Certified Grant Consultant, business/motivation speaker, and author of
Grant Writing Bootcamp...Back to the Basics and Get Yourself Settled Lil' Girl
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