Christmas is my favorite time of year, yet I just wasn’t feeling it. For some reason, this year my happy, sappy Christmas Spirit was hiding. I kept asking myself why? Was it inflation, world turmoil, crime, or just the fear of the unknown? I don’t have the answer, but I do know that I do not like the feeling of living in a “just trying to make it day by day” world.
Where was the wonderment of Christmas past? What happened to the season of Hope, Joy, and Peace? I realized my Christmas Spirit wasn’t lost; I was.
Listening to Christmas music on the radio the other morning, a strange thing happened. Out of nowhere, my dormant memories were reawakened. For some reason, Christmas music has a way of stirring a range of heartfelt emotions. One minute you’re singing along, and the next you’re shocked to find tears streaming down your face. “Well, thankfully it’s 6:15 a.m. and dark, so no one can see me.” I thought.
My drive to work is only about 15 minutes, but on this particular morning, time seemed to stand still. I guess you could say I had entered a time warp of sorts. Instead of my steady, straightforward focus, I began to look around. I actually noticed the many Christmas decorations and lights around the city, felt the crispness of winter’s chill on my face, and for a moment, time stood still as memories from Christmas' past resurfaced.
That morning, I found my Christmas Spirit. The wonder of the season was still alive and well, but I had to want to see it. Sure, there will always be things we can’t control, can’t fix, and can’t solve, but that’s life; all wrapped up in a hodgepodge of good, bad, and yes, ugly. However, the magic of Christmas can still be found where you least expect it! In the dim, warm haze emitting from a lit Christmas tree, Christmas music playing over the car radio, and of course, through the eyes of children.
The fascination of Christmas can’t be found in the thing's money can buy, but rather in the gifts we give from within. A smile, a kind gesture, a compassionate ear, and a genuine desire to help where we can, give more than we get, and share the amazement of the Christmas story. Yes, Christmas is about unconditional love, giving our all, and expecting nothing in return.
Yes, I do believe! I believe the reason for the season is the celebration of Christ’s birth, and THAT my friend, IS the wonderment of Christmas.
Merry Christmas
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Love it!!!
I love your heart felt Christmas story. Food for the soul.♥️. Merry Christmas