Nonprofit Funding Tips and Articles

Leverage your Nonprofit Resources

The word leverage simply means to apply maximum advantage. However, when it comes to nonprofit funding, focus tends to dwell on one area at a time, rather than leveraging the pillars of all funding resources that may include:

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Fundraising Success Tips

Nonprofit organizations rely on fundraising events to help meet the needs of the communities they serve. A successful fundraising event requires extensive planning, budgeting, volunteers and coordination.  It's impossible to foresee every problem that may occur; however, the following tips may help you avoid some common fundraising mistakes.  As the old adage goes, "Hope for the best, plan for the worst."

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Beware of Scams

GUARANTEED GRANT FUNDING​Beware of false, deceptive and misleading websites that offer information that boast guaranteed grant funding or suggest that money is sitting around waiting for you to take it. Grant funding is an award that is determined by the grantor either through an application process or private funding. NEVER send money to get money. 

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Grant Funding - Are you Ready!

The idea of grant writing can often trigger memories of sleepless nights, blurred vision, and overwhelming anxiety. Applying for grant funding requires research, attention to detail, accuracy, and deadline adherence. However, beyond popular belief, grant writing is NOT complicated. With a little organization, persistence, and discipline, tackling grant writing may not seem as daunting.

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