What a difference a short span of time can make! Eight years ago, I had to say good-bye to the business I loved. It was more than difficult, it was devasting. My reasons for entering the entrepreneurial world were to have the ability to use my writing and speaking skills to encourage and motivate others to step out of the proverbial box and pursue their dreams, and yes, to make a living. When my dream didn't pan out the way I had hoped, I was angry, very angry. At the time, I had not even noticed that my creativity had suffered and virtually disappeared in the haze of operating a business. I was left with only two very real choices, allow depression, and the would’ve, should’ve, could’ve scenario to devour me, or pick myself up, dust myself off (no this is not a song intro) and reinvent myself. I chose the latter. I came to terms with reality, accepted a "day gig" and started a blog. As I saw it, my blog was a form of therapy and definitely more affordable than an escape adventure. My blog was a safe space where I could express my views and thoughts without worrying about being “politically correct” or frankly, giving a rat’s patootie about whether anyone read it or not. My first blog post titled, NEW LIFE, NEW DO, NEW ME, set the stage.