Dear John (a.k.a. Internet Company): There is no reason to continue to delay the inevitable; therefore, I will make this brief and to the point. The time has arrived for us to severe ties and move on with our lives.
Although it doesn't seem like we have been together for 3 years, I'm astounded that I have made it this long, and to be honest, it wows me to think I was with your predecessor for more than 10 years. I just don't understand. Why did things have to change? Let's face it, our union was never great; in fact, I don't think it was even good. We had very little need for communication, and yes that was a good thing. I have no idea why you had to take my kindness and good nature for granted, but you did. Month after month, you tried to disguise the fact that you were taking more and more from me, insisting that your demands be met. You failed to consider me, my life or circumstances. Your words, apologies and reconciliation attempts are futile, so please don't make this more difficult than it is. I made the effort. I tried to talk to you over and over during the past several months to no avail. I left messages that were never returned. I continued to try to keep up with your increased demands. You kept taking more, more, and more; yet all the while giving less. I guess I was just comfortable with our relationship and really didn't want to go through the hassle of change. I hate change. I accepted your lame excuses such as, weather, power outages, and technical difficulties as valid reasons why you couldn't work. You were rude and inconsiderate and never answered your phone. I realize change is difficult, but at times necessary. As of today, those days are over!
Yesterday was the final straw. You had the nerve to send me notification that you want even more! We had an agreement. The economy is tough, and you want to throw this at me; well, I can't take it any longer, I just can't. A good relationship requires compromise, something that you are incapable of delivering. I need to tell you that I have found a new internet company. Yes, my new internet company has made me a number of promises that sound too good to be true. Yes, I've also heard negative things about my new internet company, but rest assured, I am no longer naive. I no longer tolerate tactics, tricks and deception. Let's just say brand name commitment is a thing of the past, so I have no problem moving on.
I will leave you with this bit of wisdom. Going forward, an internet company, or any business for that matter, that wants to be part of my life, must understand that I CHOOSE them, I don't NEED them! It's high time my needs are met, and if not; well, so long, good-bye, arrivederci. What more can I say, except, wow, I'm really not astounded.
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I agree with all of this It cost me money to untie from Astoundi