Published on 13 August 2024 at 07:32

Who among us has not uttered these words a time or two....or three? Dare I say, ALL of us at some point! On the positive side, most of the time these words are released as an outlet for venting, not really an intended action.


Be honest. When you first saw the title of this blog, what came to mind, work, relationships, responsibilities, or simply the day-to-day grind? As an observer of people and behavior, I try to look beyond the obvious, see behind the scenes and understand the reasoning.  


It is no secret that our lives are busy, way too busy. We cram too much stuff into a short amount of time and then act surprised when we become overwhelmed. When I say we, I'm really talking about me. Rarely do I examine the reasons behind my words or feelings. I've discovered the root cause is exasperation tied to feelings of helplessness, defeatism or hopelessness.


To combat these destructive emotions, it is important to look around you. Throughout your life, true friendships and connections have formed. Sadly, sometimes we fail to notice that there are people that surround us every day who really do care. Most are willing to listen, provide a shoulder to cry on when needed and, if asked, even give an opinion. So how do you know who you can trust? You can't! There will be times when people will betray your trust. You see, I've learned that it isn't about whether or not you can trust others, you have to find a way to trust yourself to be open and authentic? We humans have a tendency to allow fear to control us. Fear of looking stupid, fear of retaliation, fear of failure, fear of losing friendships, and fear of the unknown.


Over the years, I've discovered that it's okay to release your frustrations (yelling in my car is one of my favs) and it's okay to be vulnerable at times. So regardless of where you're at, there is no time like the present to make changes.


  • It's time to give up the guilt of doing or saying the wrong thing.
  • It's time to be done with trying to live up to perceived expectations and strive to live your best life.
  • It's time to quit worrying about the future and start embracing the present.
  • It's time to stop procrastinating and speak up when necessary.
  • It's time to learn to laugh more and worry less, you'll be amazed at the results.


I tend to be a "what if" person. You know the type, "What if this happens, what if that happens?" Yes, I know the majority of scenarios that play out in my head never happen anyway, right? I know, I know, easier said than done, but old habits are hard to break. These days I am trying to break free from a gloom and doom mindset that always seems to be lurking around the corner and choose to make a conscious decision to stop wasting precious time on the "What Ifs" and focus on the "Now"!


I realize this sounds a bit like pie in the sky advice, wishful thinking, or even sticking my head in the sand. Please understand, I am not naive, nor am I denying bad things will happen, I am just refusing to dwell on potential obstacles that playout in my head. Focusing on the present helps address reality when, and if, it does rear its' ugly side. So when, and if, misfortunes manifest, assess the situation, try to find a way to resolve or fix the issue, and yes, even recognize your limitations and move on when necessary. Life is a time capsule of good and bad experiences. It's time to take each day as it comes and try to enjoy the journey. It really is that simple!    


Tammie Tuley is an independent writer, Certified Grant Consultant, motivation speaker, and author of 

Grant Writing Bootcamp...Back to the Basics and Get Yourself Settled Lil' Girl








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