Every year, for the past twenty years, I have written a sappy New Year's blog about saying goodbye to the previous year (and all that was wrong with it), forgoing resolutions, and being eager to ring in the New Year. After re-reading those posts, I discovered that year after year, nothing really seemed to change, and ironically, all of those writings ended with "hoping for a better year."
Not this year. 2025 is my year, well at least I choose to claim it as such anyway (and you can too). 2025 is not going to be about the big picture. I'm not writing this to imply what you should do or change. To put it simply, I realize I can't solve the world's problems, make people like me or fix everything; and that's okay.
2025 is my year to quit allowing outside stressors to depress, discourage and destroy my hopes, health and destiny (although, I admit my vision isn't totally clear, but the fog is lifting). My 2025 is about taking chances, pursuing the impossible and discarding the associated fear that accompanies those goals.
I intend to put more effort into getting out of my comfort zone. Last year, I was asked to host a grant writing workshop in Gibson County. I had been out of it for six years and it felt like old home week. In fact, I did not know how much I missed speaking and teaching. It just felt right! So much so, that I plan to host more grant and leadership workshops, add more videos to You Tube and Tik Toc and yes, finish several more books that are in the works.
Why am I telling you this? I know too many people who are literally living for the weekend and hating the rest of their week. My decision is to stop the procrastination and take steps to move forward. Don't get me wrong, changes can't be made willy nilly overnight, but the process to change things can.
Here's to 2025, bring it! I'm ready to begin this journey. How about you?
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