JUST A Mom? I Don't Think So!

Published on 8 May 2024 at 07:25

Although my kids are grown, I still remember how hard it was to juggle the responsibilities of being a mom, working a full-time job, and trying to keep a household running smoothly. For those of you who are currently traveling this path, let me encourage and assure you that you WILL survive.


Employment status is irrelevant. Holding the title of MOM is the most important position you will ever have. Embrace it and be proud. Remember, you're never JUST a mom, you are so much more! Since Mother's Day is Sunday, I thought it might be a good time to share a mom moment of mine, I call it the day of my epiphany.       


It was just another ordinary day, just a casual inquiry, just a single random comment, and just one little word that simply hit me the wrong way and sent my mind swirling. The question was simple, non-confrontational and direct. Standing in the foyer of the school to pick up my kids, another mom asked, “So, what do you do?" "I work in customer service, other than that I'm just a mom.” We nodded and smiled. At that moment, our kiddos came running down the hallway.    


Later that day, that single phrase hit me like a ton of bricks! Just a mom! JUST a mom! What was the matter with me? Did I really say that! Yes, I work a full-time job, and I AM a mom. A BUSY mom, no doubt, a TIRED mom, absolutely, and often a FRUSTRATED mom, definitely; but JUST a Mom! No way. Where did that come from? I mean really, is someone JUST a doctor, JUST a lawyer, JUST a nuclear scientist? Why on earth would I use the word JUST to describe my career, my destiny...my life? How dare I demean the status of such a vital position? A mom’s day begins before anyone else awakes and ends long after everyone else has retired for the evening. 


The endless responsibilities of this lifetime role can be challenging, stressful and yes, rewarding. ​Breakfasts must be prepared (even cereal, after-all, someone has to get the bowls out and pour the milk), pack lunches, do the laundry (every day), ensure the kids leave the house “appropriately” dressed for school, teeth are brushed (can’t assume), hair is combed, and ensure the kiddos arrive at daycare, school or the bus...on time!


Once the kids have arrived at their destination, it's time for the mom who is employed outside of the home, to hurry and get ready for work, hoping her shoes match (who among us hasn’t arrived with two different shoes of similar styles) and double checking the seams on clothing (you know you have worn that blouse inside out before). For the stay-at-home Mom, the routine of household responsibilities must be tackled.


Whether employed outside of the home or not, mom has to pick up dirty clothes left wherever they were removed. (For some reason, children and spouses seem to have difficulty seeing things on the floor. They walk over, around or even through them, but will never pick them up.) Meals, whether baked, boiled, broiled, microwaved or simmered in the crockpot must be prepared, dishes washed, carpets vacuumed, linoleum floors swept, and we all know prefabricated furniture will not dust itself.


Moms possess an innate skill of multi-tasking. This fine-tuned talent is a must when it comes to juggling homework, after-school activities, ball games and band practice. A mom may not be a doctor in real life, but definitely plays one at home. The art of scheduling can be likened to walking a tight rope when it comes to picking up a sick child at school, making doctor/dental appointments, dropping off forgotten homework and paying household bills. Oops, mustn't forget the most important responsibility of ensuring that the last roll of toilet paper, last drop of toothpaste or all of the shampoo has not been used.


This description doesn't even begin to scratch the surface of a mom's commitment, love, dedication and sacrifice. So, this year on Mother's Day, smile! Recognize that you are important! You've been entrusted with the most valuable treasure on earth, and yes, you are worth celebrating. In fact, there is JUST one simple thing to remember from this story. As a mom, you are on call 24/7 and you are never JUST a mom! A mom's work is hard, at time heartbreaking, and the pay is lousy, but when all is said and done, the rewards are unmatched. Being a mom encompasses many things, it’s just that JUST, ain’t got nothin’ to do with it! 


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10 months ago

Bravo, excellent! Happy Mother’s Day