The holidays are over. 2024 has arrived. Today was the day! It was time to write my first blog post of the new year. For any writer, the first post of the year needs to be captivating, profound, and yes, mind-blowing. The first post of the year sets the stage for the entire year.
Eager to jump into my New Year, New Me mindset, steam rising from my mug size coffee cup, and staring at the blank computer screen, my worst nightmare revealed. My mind is blank. Yes, I have been here before. I recognize my old nemesis, writer's block. I guess you could say that writer's block is my achilleas heel. Writer's block is unnerving and defeating. For me, writing just happens. Writing isn't my job, nor is it my hobby. Writing, for me, is something more. Writing is part of who I am. Some view writing as an expression of creativity, others refer to writing as an art form, and still others write to fulfill a professional requirement.
Nothing! My mind was racing. Is this the end? Did my expectations of creating a captivating, profound, and yes, mind-blowing post exceed my ability? I take a few deep breaths to clear my mind. Ah, there it is! Do I dare? I now remember why I began blogging in the first place and composing a feel-good piece of prose wasn't it.
Why do I blog? I blog to share memories, encourage conversations, and promote laughter. Sadly, there doesn't seem to be much laughter these days. On a daily basis, I see stress and anxiety all around me. At work, at home, and on TV. With all the technological advances our society offers, human beings are more stressed than ever before. We have forgotten how to have fun! We rarely laugh. I'm talking about uncontrollable laughter. The kind of laughter where you try to stop, but a single glance refutes your ability to keep from laughing out loud. Think back to a time when you laughed so hard, tears streamed down your face? Admit it, you could not control the laughter and you couldn't stop laughing either. Do you remember why you were laughing that hard? Probably not.... and that is the mind-blowing part.
Just as I can't make myself write something captivating, profound, or mind-blowing, it is impossible to force laughter. Laughter is healthy and spontaneous. We (I really mean me) must quit taking everything so seriously. We need to quit living a Stepford Wife existence where reactions are methodical. Fear is controlling. 2024 is the year to refuse to allow fear of the unknown to have the power to dictate the future.
2024 is the start of my New Year, New Me mindset. 2024 brings with it a new set of opportunities. I know just looking for those opportunities won't cut it. I must seize them. 2024 can also be your New Year, New Me mindset. Worrying never changes an outcome, actions do. If something causes you daily stress, then it's time to evaluate your options, boldly assess opportunities and then move forward. A healthy life requires balance. Don't just nod and agree, make it happen!
Regret may not be a four-letter word, but the damage can be just as destructive. As my grandmother used to say, "Time's a Wastin, so get to it".
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I’m making it happen this year!! Time to retire. I love your blogs