I used to think passion and purpose were pretty much the same thing. If you were passionate about something, then that was your purpose. For many people, including myself, I bought into the premise that my purpose and passion should equate to my work life. While some people are fortunate enough to have a vocation that fulfills both passion, purpose and paycheck, most are not. The problem lies in thinking its' all or nothing. Passion, purpose and paycheck are ideals that can co-exist as separate entities.
I don't know about you, but every time I hear the question, "where do you see yourself in five years", I just want to cringe. Under my breath I mutter, "hopefully alive." Seriously, how can someone possibly answer that question objectively? There are way too many variables in a five-year span to consider. Heck, sometimes I'm not even sure what I'm doing tomorrow, let alone in five years. Don't get me wrong, I get the intention of the question. Thinking ahead helps set goals to work toward, blah, blah, blah. However, the question itself lends to more questions. What if five years pass and you're still stuck in the same place you started? Do you simply repeat the question and wait five more years to evaluate? If your five-year goal was not met, achieved or even came close, are you left feeling defeated, hopeless or worse, like a failure?
I was amazed to discover how much time I wasted thinking about the future and how to get there, while failing miserably at making my mark in the present. It is easy to get caught up in the mirage of success, while ignoring the success of day-to-day moments. Yes, goals are important, but they need to be implemented in small steps. Case in point. The house needs to be cleaned, grass mowed, kids have ball games, meals prepared, and bills must be paid. Whew, daunting, isn't it? Looking at all of the things that have to be done only serves to allow anxiety to overtake reasoning ability. The next thing you know you're sitting in front of the TV, watching a rerun of a twenty-year old sitcom, and barreling through a bag of chips and a soda. The end result equals ten extra pounds and none of the tasks are accomplished.
I now realize the question of "where you see yourself in five years" is valid, the phrasing is the problem. The question is based on the path you're currently traveling and premised on the suggestion of an absolute of achievement that does not exist. Purpose can be the result of passion or paycheck or a combination of all three. It's time to "get out of the box" of societal demands and self-imposed expectations. Keep in mind, passion, purpose and paycheck are subject to change at any given moment. Allow yourself to dream, fight the fear of change and take a chance. Whether you have a desire to move to another city, change a career, travel to a different country or just take a stay-vacation, set achievable goals. Write them down, check them off and celebrate each one. Take a look at your list after three months, six months and then a year. You'll be amazed by what you have accomplished.
Remember, today is our future from yesterday.
Tammie Tuley is an independent writer, author and business motivation speaker.
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