What a difference a short span of time can make! Eight years ago, I had to say good-bye to the business I loved. It was more than difficult, it was devasting. My reasons for entering the entrepreneurial world were to have the ability to use my writing and speaking skills to encourage and motivate others to step out of the proverbial box and pursue their dreams, and yes, to make a living. When my dream didn't pan out the way I had hoped, I was angry, very angry. At the time, I had not even noticed that my creativity had suffered and virtually disappeared in the haze of operating a business. I was left with only two very real choices, allow depression, and the would’ve, should’ve, could’ve scenario to devour me, or pick myself up, dust myself off (no this is not a song intro) and reinvent myself. I chose the latter. I came to terms with reality, accepted a "day gig" and started a blog. As I saw it, my blog was a form of therapy and definitely more affordable than an escape adventure. My blog was a safe space where I could express my views and thoughts without worrying about being “politically correct” or frankly, giving a rat’s patootie about whether anyone read it or not. My first blog post titled, NEW LIFE, NEW DO, NEW ME, set the stage.
Life, or at least my life, possesses a very strange mix of humor, sarcasm and irony. My natural tendency used to be to duck, hide, and cover my head under a makeshift cover rather than address life obstacles; not anymore! These days, I address issues strategically, without blame, and deliberately confront adversity.
Why am I writing this? I'm so glad you asked. Here I am, eight years later with another birthday biting at my heels. This year though, I am amazed by the present and excited for the future. While I am thankful for my “day gig”, a steady paycheck, insurance and paid sick/vacation days, the older I get, I still find myself missing the “real” me….my calling…my destiny….my desire, and I know I am not alone.
Lately, there seems to be an abundance of despondent complacency. Laughter has been lost in the midst of worry, indifference, and anger. Regardless of where you are today, there IS a light at the end of the tunnel. If life is throwing curve balls your way, seize the moment and knock those suckers all the way out of the park. It's important to understand the future is a fickle bitch and fixating on the unknown only stalls pursuit. I am living proof. You see, it took me way too long to recognize reality and appreciate that aging, life circumstances (a.k.a. bad luck) and unfulfilled expectations cannot stop you, unless you allow it. This blog is not to say everything is grandiose in a Mary Poppins world; it isn't. Bad things happen and circumstances can slow you down, but they CANNOT derail your destiny. Personally, my experiences have somehow fostered my best material. From humor and motivation to business and education, my life's journey has written the script. I now view the past as a glimpse of encouraging reflection, while anticipating the future through a lens of optimism.
Remember, the only experience you cannot bounce back from is giving up!
For those of you who follow my blog and social media pages, you already know I am once again dipping my toe into the proverbial creativity realm. Hopefully, a little smarter this time. (No worries, not giving up “day gig”). Without having to place "make a living" demands on my creative outlets, I now have the freedom to speak and write about anything and everything that I love.
So, what ambition have you placed on the back burner? Time waits for no one and there is no time like the present. Set your goals, make a plan and take that first step today. There is only one thing that can stop you....YOU!
Tammie Tuley is an independent writer, author, Certified Grant Consultant, and business motivation speaker.
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