I love the sound of a steady, set-in-for-the day rainfall. For me, staring at the crystal droplets splash in perfect rhythm against the sidewalk is both mesmerizing and soothing. Continuing to gaze out the open living room window, I watch as the downpour transforms bubbling pools of water into narrow, rippling streams gracefully racing downhill. I turn my attention to the window sheers flowing with the wind, seemingly dancing with the cool breeze that drifts through the screen. And, just like that, my worries of the day are removed.

Motionless, I continue to stare into space as my mind travels back in time. I find myself reflecting on the "Good ‘ol Days”. Whoa, wait a minute, did I really use the phrase "Good 'ol Days"? Anyway, I digress, but.......ah yes, memories. Back in the day, I was a hard-working, ambitious 20-something dreamer. I had big plans and yet, as I think back, I can't help but laugh as I recall my biggest worry back then was whether or not I would have a date on Saturday night. Oh my, if I only knew then what I know now.

Over the years, so many things have changed, both here at home, and in the world. I thought you might like to take a walk down memory lane with me. C'mon, admit it, you can almost see the fuzzy clouds and hear the 70’s music fade in, can't you?

Photo credits 123rf.com
- Lloyd was the name of our city mayor; there was no expressway.
- USA (United Skates of America) - Waiting for the moonlight skate.
- Lava Lamps - What were we thinking?
- Cruising North Park and Green River Road
- Drive-In Movies
- Red Goose Shoes and the Golden Egg
- 8-Track Tapes
- Record Players and 45's
- TV Antennas and only 3 Stations
- Pong - Enough said on that front
- Chicken Fat Song -Such bad memories of gym glass
- Famolare and SAS Shoes
- Trains traveled down the middle of Division Street while cars drove east and west, respectively at the same time.
- We played outside, ran the neighborhood and had better be in the door when the streetlights came on.
- Popular stores were Ayr-Way, IGA, The Luggage Shop, and Sears.
- Big Chef (& Jeff), Sandy's, and Leo's burger places.
- No middle schools. Only elementary and high schools.
- Tonette Band ("We Like to Play in the Tonette Band", admit it, you're singing it now).
- Home economics (oh that hideous apron-lol), and shop class (can't forget the infamous ash tray).
- Dodge ball and freeze tag
These are just a few of my memories, and I'm sure you are envisioning memories of your own right about now. Yes, reflection makes me smile; but as memorable as these things are, why blog about nostalgia? As humans, we have a tendency to remember the good things and forget the bad. As I reflected on the past, along with a little research, I also remembered the reality of the 70's, much of it was certainly not all puppy dogs and roses. Every generation will have their reflective moments and just like today's world, the 70's were a time of turmoil, suffering and mistrust. They were also filled with anxiety, worry, fear, violence and uncertainty.

Photo credit 123rf.com
- Energy Crisis - Shortage of petroleum fueled (pun intended) gas price hikes resulting in long lines formed outside gas stations where people waited hours for fuel
- Terrorism - In 1977, 52 Americans were held hostage for 444 days
- Resignation of Richard Nixon
- Lay-offs began as unions were dismantled.
Granted, I could have listed more, but I didn't want to harsh my mellow, so I chose not to expand this part of the list. The fact remains that most of my memories are positive, and I choose to remember the "Good 'ol Days". In fact, fun memories are what's so great about the "Good 'ol Days".

I now understand that actions taken, not wished, impacts outcomes. When I look beyond the smog that tries to cloud my vision, I see a world of possibilities. Keep in mind that happenings today become memories tomorrow; so never take them for granted. Look past the negative, appreciate the present, and complain less. Who knows, if I imagine........really IMAGINE, just think how much greater my reflection will be 20 years from now! Of course, I'm a work in progress, and time will tell.

Photo public domain
So, the next time gray skies open and raindrops fall, STOP! Take time to listen; really listen. Before you know it, you may just find yourself entranced by the majestic beauty of it all. Let the busyness of life fade and allow your memories to transport you to a time of smiles, you'll be glad you did!
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