Drum Roll Please

Adventures on a budget do not just happen; you have to make them happen. I love to travel, but traveling can be expensive. This is why I love day trips. Day trips allow me the ability to experience different, unique events and attractions more often than if I were planning an extended vacation.          

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Weekday Dining Out - An Adventure on a Budget?

Last Tuesday I arrived home from work stressed, tired and completely tapped out. The last thing I wanted to do was fix dinner. Typically, Hubs and I go out for dinner on the weekends, but Tuesday was different. I wanted; no let me rephrase that, I NEEDED a quiet place to just sit and relax. Kicking our budget restrictions to the curb, Hubs and I opted to dine out at our favorite pizza joint. This restaurant is not a "hidden" gem; in fact, with two locations in Evansville and one in Newburgh, this hot spot is known for great pizza and their signature in-house brewery. Yet, believe it or not, we managed to turn this impromptu escape into an Adventure on a Budget.     

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Down by the Lazy River

In our quest for adventure, Hubs and I decided to take a drive to the river. As we turned onto Riverside, childhood memories of Sunday drives to Dress Plaza made me smile. Although I had driven this road dozens of times, I never really thought much about it. As we drove past the plaza entrance, we could see adult swings in the distance. We knew that was our destination. Pulling into the parking lot, I heard laughter from kids playing at Mickey's Kingdom and watched teenagers attempting, what appeared to me, as death defying tricks at Sunset Skatepark. This place was no secret, I was just late to the game.  

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Adventures on a Budget

Every small town has its' own unique ambiance, filled with nuances and creativity. Lately, I have noticed that in our search for the phenomenal, we often drive by local treasures that exist in our own backyard. Let's face it, with sky rocketing inflation, overloaded work schedules, and the busyness of life in general, most of us have a tendency to throw our hands in the air and blanketly stare into a streaming pool of old movies and sitcom reruns.       

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